Section: Spring 2024
Navigating the New Frontier: The Ethics and Potential of AI in Legal Practice
Attorneys are stewards of a proud tradition of justice and fairness, but we also must remain on the cutting edge of technological advancements. One such advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI), has increasingly become a topic of both enthusiasm and caution in the legal industry.
Tips & Tricks for Involving the Evolving Paralegal
Paralegals have evolved over the last 10 to 15 years. They are entering the workforce with more education and training than in previous years due to college and vocational training programs.
Sounding Out Community Noise Complaints
From construction sites to pickleball courts to traffic congestion, community noise complaints arising from everyday sources create concerns over the effect of noise on well-being and health, the loss of sleep and recovery, and adverse effects on the development of children.
Member News
Forsberg & Umlauf, P.S. is extremely proud to announce that Michael Handler and Peter Nierman have been elevated to shareholders.
Defense Win
Williams Kastner
Practical Strategies for Handling and Preventing Agricultural and Food Processing Losses
Agriculture and food processing sectors are not immune to operational losses, which when left unchecked, can lead to a significant dent in a company's profitability. In this blog, we shed light on practical strategies to handle and prevent these agricultural equipment losses effectively.
Heart and Soul - The Past Presidents' CLE
On Thursday, March 7th, 2024, WDTL presented "Heart and Soul - The Past President's CLE," and Foster Garvey generously hosted us.
Defense Win
Law Office of Elizabeth G. Smith
WDTL's Day on the Hill
This past February, during the 2024 Legislative Session, WDTL President Mike Rhodes, President-Elect Erin Seeberger, and Executive Director Maggie Sweeney joined WDTL’s Legislative Consultants Christine Brewer and Kris Teft in Olympia for a day on the hill.
South Sound Judicial Dinner
On February 6, 2024, we gathered to honor South Sound Judges at our Annual Judicial Dinner in Tacoma. Colleen Barrett of Barrett Mediation Group was our featured speaker.
New WDTL Members