Start Date: 12/10/2024 8:00 AM PST
End Date: 12/10/2029 5:00 PM PST
Organization Name:
Washington Defense Trial Lawyers
Sponsor: Explico
Credit Card Payments Only
WDTL Members: $30
Non Members: $60
1 WSBA CLE credit
You are purchasing an on demand video. Following registration, you will receive an email with a link to the video and instructions for obtaining CLE Credit. You are responsible for submitting your CLE credit.
Presented by Connor Smith, Managing Accident Reconstructionist, Explico
An accident reconstruction of a pedestrian-involved traffic collision provides analysts, adjusters, and attorneys the foundation to accurately asses fault for the crash. A proper accident reconstruction enables the evaluation of the actions and decisions of the involved parties prior to and during the incident. Answer to questions such as "where on the roadway did the impact occur?", "how fast were parties were traveling?" and "how much time did the parties have to respond to the impending hazard?" are typically relied upon in determining fault. This course will detail the underlying principles and analysis methods used to reconstruct pedestrian-involved collisions and will provide a knowledge base for attendees to lean upon within their casework.
Mr. Connor Smith has ten years of accident reconstruction experience with additional experience in manufacturing and design engineering. Mr. Smith’s unique understanding of the visualization component of accident reconstruction serves as a bridge between the engineering analysis and the development of animations and graphics.
Mr. Smith has investigated crashes involving passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, buses, motorcycles, and pedestrians. Mr. Smith is proficient in scene and vehicle inspections, evidence documentation and preservation, video analysis, and has conducted instrumented vehicle testing of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, and motorcycles.