Legislative activities undertaken by our lobbyist and subject matter experts are important to the overall health of the civil defense bar. Our clients depend on us to be the reasonable voices heard in Olympia to prevent catastrophic laws from passing.
Legislative Reports
The 2024 Legislature Session is January 8 to March 7 (tentatively). Please login to view the WDTL Legislative Reports.
If you have questions or would like to become involved with the Legislative Committee, please contact:
Brad Smith Littler 600 University Street, Suite 3200 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 381-4928 DeBishop@littler.com |
William M. Symmes Williams Kastner 601 W. 1st Ave. Suite 1442 Spokane WA 99201 (509) 609-3820 wsymmes@williamskastner.com |
Legislative Consultants |
Christine Brewer Brewer Public Affairs (360) 628-1698 christine@olygov.com www.brewerpublicaffairs.com |
Kris Tefft Brewer Public Affairs (360) 481-2066 kris@olygov.com www.brewerpublicaffairs.com |