
WDTL 2022 Book Drive

61% of low-income families have no books in their home. Through Reading Partners' program, students receive new or very gently used books.

Donate new or gently used children's books and make a difference in your community!
WDTL is collecting new and gently used children's books of varying topics and genres for kids in kindergarten through fourth grade for Reading Partners. Reading Partners is a nonprofit literacy organization that works to expand life opportunities for elementary school students at under-resourced elementary schools by empowering them with strong literacy skills.

61% of low-income families have no books in their home. Additionally, children from low-income neighborhoods have access to one book title per 300 children, while children from middle-income neighborhoods have access to 13 titles per child. (Scholastic Research Compendium, “Access to Books”)

Through Reading Partners' “Take Reading With You” program, students receive new or very gently used books. These texts help students continue on their learning journeys, building a love of learning while building their personal libraries. Book donations may sent to WDTL or dropped off with Danielle McKenzie by December 2 at

Betts, Patterson & Mines, P.S.
One Convention Place
701 Pike Street, Suite 1400
Seattle, WA  98101-3927

Or purchase books online from the Reading Partners Amazon wish list.

Amazon books can be mailed to the above WDTL address or you can choose to send directly to Reading Partners through their registry. If you send books to Reading Partners please let them know who you are and please email so we can include the books in our total.


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