Event Calendar

Tuesday, September 8, 2026

On Demand - Ethics Horror Stories; How to Avoid Being that Lawyer

Start Date: 9/8/2021 3:30 PM PDT
End Date: 9/8/2026 5:00 PM PDT

Organization Name: Washington Defense Trial Lawyers

Maggie Sweeney
Email: maggie@wdtl.org
Phone: (206) 749-0319

Sponsor: Buchalter

WDTL Members: $45

Non Members: $75

1.5 Ethics CLE credit

You are purchasing an on demand video.  
Following registration, you will receive an email with a link to the video and instructions for obtaining CLE Credit.  You are responsible for submitting your CLE credit.

David Elkanich and Jeffrey Frank, Buchalter will review some of the ethics nightmares and dilemmas they have seen over their combined 50 years of practicing law in the Pacific Northwest plus the timely topic of  Ethical Obligations When Working Remotely

They will also facilitate a discussion on how to avoid common mistakes that typically lead to entanglements with WSBA’s Disciplinary Counsel.

Presented by
David Elkanich
David Elkanich is the Chair of Buchalter’s Professional Responsibility Practice.  Mr. Elkanich practices primarily in the firm’s Portland and Seattle offices.  He advises both lawyers and law firms in a wide range of professional responsibility matters. He has extensive experience defending lawyers in attorney discipline matters, and in related litigation, such as sanction, withdrawal and disqualification motions, and fee disputes. 

Jeffrey Frank
Jeffrey Frank is a Past President of WDTL and is the Managing Shareholder of Buchalter’s Seattle Office.  Mr. Frank’s practice over the last 35 years has principally included construction litigation, large property loss investigations, and professional liability defense.  He has been involved in law firm leadership over the past 20 years, which means he has had to “manage” numerous instances of lawyer mistakes and misconduct-- a/k/a unprofessional, unethical, and/or idiotic behavior.


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