Summer 2017

Defense News Summer 2017
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Table of Contents
Thank You For Another Successful Convention!
The 2017 WDTL Convention was a success!  
The sun was shining in beautiful Victoria, B.C. After soaking up some sun, we learned about important topics, including preemptory challenges, tech for depositions and trials, and defenses to the “Reptile Theory.” ...more

Cowboy Up! The next convention will be at Sun Mountain Lodge. Mark your calendars for July 19-22!
Notes from the Editor's Desk...
Out with the old, in with the new!  This month WDTL moved to a new location and rolled out the new website.  And, the Defense News is getting an upgrade! This is the first preview to our new Defense News.  Stay tuned for the next edition, when we will be transferring away from the PDF format.
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Message from the Outgoing President

By: Jennifer Campbell, WDTL Past President
It has been my privilege and honor to serve as President of this fine organization. When I was elected President, my goal was to leave WDTL better than I found it. No catchy slogans, just a strong desire to make this organization relevant and valuable to our members...more
Defense Verdict for U.S. President Charged with Crimes Against Humanity
By: Kate Brooks and Michael Guadagno
No. Not that President. On March 30, 2017, U.S. District Court Judge John C. Coughenour presided over a one-day jury trial, in which U.S. President Andrew Jackson was charged with Crimes Against Humanity for his treatment of the Cherokee Nation during the “Trail of Tears.”...more
Member Spotlight: Gauri Shrotriya Locker
By: Kyler Danielson
WDTL thrives through participation of its faithful members. The Defense News is proud to highlight its members in this Member Spotlight column.

We are pleased to introduce Gauri Shrotriya Locker. Gauri is the 2016 recipient of 
WDTL’s Community Leadership Award for her pro bono contributions to WDTL....more
Defense Successes
In each edition, the Defense News features successes of our members and colleagues. WDTL is proud of our defense attorneys and we would like to share their accomplishments. We would love to hear from you. Please share your stories with our Editor-in-Chief for publishing in the Defense News....more
Global  Clients and Washington Rules
By:  Zachary Nelson and Christopher Howard
Your clients are global; their operations cross numerous boundaries, and they need lawyers from across the country and across the world to make it work. A client’s out of state in-house counsel wants to takedeposition and be an active participant in the case. Can in-house counsel do this? Can that counsel handle transactions around the country for the company you are being asked to defend? If you do not know, keep reading. There are some quirks for out of state lawyers to practice in Washington....more
Allies in the Workplace
By: Jillian Hinman
On June 15th, the WDTL Women’s Commission and Washington Woman Lawyers hosted a panel discussion on finding allies in the legal workplace. The esteemed panel included: Felix Luna, Shareholder at Peterson Wampold Rosato Luna Knopp, Katina Thornock, Director, Corporate Counsel, Litigation at Starbucks Coffee Company; Gauri Shrotriya Locker, Assistant Attorney General; Caryn Jorgensen, Managing Shareholder at Mills Meyers Swartling P.S.; and Joel Paget, Senior Member at Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland....more
From the World of Asbestos...
By: Mike King and Chris Nicoll
It has been almost fifty years since a jury in a federal district court in Texas handed down the first verdict in an asbestos case. And the flood of asbestos claims that followed still shows no signs of stopping.....more
MAR 7.3 Attorney Fees
By:  Marilee Erickson
The mandatory arbitration scheme in Washington places a significant risk on the party who exercises the statutory and constitutional right to a jury trial. If the party who denovos does not improve the position on trial de novo, the de novoing party must pay the opponent’s attorney fees and expenses. The fees and expenses award usually exceeds by double, triple, or more the amount of the jury’s award. Litigants have hotly contested what it means to improve one’s position on the trial de novo.....more
Major Changes for Chiropractors Performing CR 35 Exams
By: Jonathan Hammond
For anyone who handles automobile personal injury cases on the defense side, it is an all too familiar fact pattern: plaintiff is rear-ended at 5 miles per hour, resulting in minimal damage to either vehicle, yet somehow racks up $15,000 in medical bills, most of which are chiropractic. Suspecting overtreatment, you retain a chiropractor to serve as an expert and opine as to the reasonableness and necessity of the plaintiff’s treatment, and possibly perform a CR 35 exam......more
New Members
Welcome new WDTL members....more
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