
King County Superior Court Remote Jury Selection in the time of COVID-19

Sponsored by WDTL & WSAJ, Thursday, July 30 12:00 p.m. 1.5 CLE credits.

King County Superior Court Remote Jury Selection in the time of COVID-19

Please join King County Superior Court Judge Matthew Williams, Judge Michael Scott, and Judge Sean O'Donnell, and presenters from WDTL and WSAJ, for a 1.5 hour CLE on King County Superior Court's plan for remote jury selection.

This CLE is being organized by the King County Superior Court to educate Judges and practitioners regarding how King County Superior Court will reopen for jury trials to explain and demonstrate picking a jury remotely using Zoom technology. The presenters will discuss the courthouse and courtroom health plan, the jury selection timeline, the jury summons and case specific questionnaire, accommodating disabilities, voir dire, preemptory challenges, and other considerations.

The presenters will provide tips and procedures for how to pick a jury remotely, including demonstrations with mock jurors and demonstrations on using jury questionnaires during this process. Learn more

1.5 CLE credits approved.


Fighting for justice and balance in civil courts.