
The New Issue of the Defense News is Here!

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Featured in this issue:

From Self-Service to “Reasonable Foreseeability:” the Eight-Year Journey of Johnson v. Washington State Liquor & Cannabis Board By Mike Throgmorton, Law, Lyman, Daniel, Kamerrer & Bogdanovich

Washington Contractors Be Wary: One-Year Warranty Limitations Are Unconscionable By Natasha A. Khachatourians, Betts Patterson Mines, P.S.

Design of Medical Device Joint Inspection Protocols By Scott Lucas, PhD, PE

Hypothesis and Predictions – The Scientific Method in Claims and Litigation By Wade Lanning, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, ARCCA Inc.

Less Is (Not) Moritz:  Why Plaintiffs Probably Have to Show More to Establish Unreasonable Risk of Harm Post-Johnson v. Liquor and Cannabis Board, As Seen in the Case of Moritz v. Wal-Mart, Inc. By Eddy Silverman, Williams Kastner & Gibbs PLLC

School Safety: Discipline Policies & Procedures By Suzanne Rodriguez, Ed.D., M.S.W., P.P.S.C., C.P.S.I.

Defense Wins
Member News
Past Presidents Dinner
2023 Annual Meeting & Convention 
WDTL Happy Hour
and more!



Fighting for justice and balance in civil courts.