Message from the Executive Director
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
by: Maggie Sweeney, WDTL Executive Director

Section: Summer 2021

Looking Forward
September brings a new membership year for WDTL and the opportunity to look forward.  Over the past year, WDTL made great strides in our online programming and member benefits.  We hope that you were able to participate in many of our virtual events to include Core Sponsor Lunch & Learn CLEs, Roundtables, Community Service events, and Committee Programs.  As a matter of fact, WDTL hosted more than 30 free-to-members virtual programs throughout the 2020-21 membership year.   Along with our events, WDTL representatives worked tirelessly advocating on behalf of our membership to both the legislature and courts, through lobbying, testifying, committee involvement, and drafting amicus briefs.     

With all of this, there was one thing missing: you, in person.  In the year ahead we are looking forward to maintaining many of our successful virtual programs, shifting to hybrid programming for some, and welcoming back our in-person Judicial Receptions and our Summer Meeting and Convention.  We believe that in-person networking is vital to the profession and, with safety in mind, we will gather in Spokane on September 16 for our Eastern Washington Judicial Reception to kick off the 2021-22 membership year.  

Membership renewal begins Sept. 1.  Your membership dues allow WDTL to do all that we do, so please consider renewing your membership and encourage your colleagues to do the same.  With WDTL, it is truly the more the merrier.  

On behalf of the WDTL Board of Trustees, we thank you for your partnership and look forward to seeing you in the upcoming year!